Hoshi-no-bunkakan – FAQ

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Visiting by public transport

Are there any other nearby tourist attractions?

I would like to know about the Hoshi-no-bunkakan’s time schedule.

What dinner options are available?

What if it is cloudy or raining on the day of my visit?

What kinds of facilities are available in guest rooms?

What kinds of amenities are available in guest rooms?

What if I wish to cancel my booking?

You can make cancellations over the phone.

You will not be charged if you cancel up to the day before your scheduled visit. However, you will be charged the full accommodation rate as a cancellation fee if you cancel on your scheduled arrival date or do not show up.

Please note that you will not be charged the cancellation fee in the event you are cancelling due to natural disasters such as typhoons, snowfall, earthquakes etc., or a sudden illness or accident. In such cases, please get in touch to discuss your situation.

Do the roads around the the Hoshi-no-bunkakan freeze during winter?

The roads around the SHoshi-no-bunkakan may freeze at night and early morning during winter, but the ice generally melts by the time guests check out.

The area rarely experiences heavy snowfall, but in the event such weather is forecast, we may call guests with a booking to determine whether or not their visit is still possible.

What payment methods do you accept?

In addition to cash, we also accept credit cards, WAON, debit cards, ID, and Rakuten Edy.

Is there a parking area?

Yes, there is.

There is also an exclusive parking area for guests.

Is there a smoking area?

Yes, there is.

Ash trays are located outside the building.